A Conchological Iconography - Family Haliotidae. Раковина, ракушка

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Красноярск, Район ТК Славянский
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A Conchological Iconography - The Family Haliotidae

Euro 91,50

By D. Geiger & G.T. Poppe (2000)

4+135 S., 143 Fig., 83 col. Taf.

A great book with numerous pages of descriptions and identifications and a lot of superior full colour plates suitable for ID work - a must-have for researchers, abalone-farmers and conchologists interested in the Haliotis family. Showing 65 living species and subspecies of the genus Haliotis actually known to live worldwide, the publication provides information on biology, distribution, anatomy, taxonomy and systematics. Additional information includes an extensive 22-page bibliography. Eight of the plates summarise the shown species as thumb-nail images for quick reference and comparison.

Есть очень много электронных книг по раковинам, по низким ценам. Эл. Книга.

Условия передачи

Красномосковская, 34
Красноярск, Район ТК Славянский
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