Адаптер - переходник для заправки туристических газовых баллонов (резьбовых) газом из дешевых цанговых (дихлофосников) - New

250 руб.
Красноярск, Пашенныйусловия доставки
+7 965 914 XX XX
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Объём баллона, л

Абсолютно новое.

Внимание! Заправка баллонов - крайне ответственный процесс, который должен выполняться лицом, хорошо себе представляющим, что он делает. Заправка производится покупателем полностью на свой страх и риск и под свою личную ответственность. Никакой ответственности за незапланированные последствия заправки (утечки, взрывы) продавец не несёт.

Испытал лично. Действительно, хорошо заправляет баллоны. С пары дихлофосников получается один резьбовой баллон на 450г, стоимость 2х дихлофосников 2*50р.

Popular gas cannisters found in here are either Lindal Valve Screw which is used for EN 521 appliances or Cassette gas cannister that is commonly use on steamboat stove.

For most mountaineers here, they still prefer to use Lindal screw stove. The reasons are simplicity, these stoves burn better in high attitude, they are easier to setup and they can pack together with the cook sets.

Hand made from 6082T6 aluminium. Unit is approximately 12mm diameter by 18mm long. Enables you to refill your gas canister in a similar fashion that you would a gas cigarette lighter.

With this device you can refill the lindal screw in type gas canisters (see photos) very popular with hiking and camping, from the cheap butane cassette type canisters normally used in small portable heaters and Chinese type cooking stoves, which cost around 95p each so you can save quite a bit of money by refilling.

Guidelines for use below (also see photos)

1) Weigh unused full butane canister and write with felt-tip on the base.

2) Place empty canister to be refilled in freezer for approx. half hour or overnight.

3) Remove canister from freezer and place adaptor onto the canister.

4) Take your new full butane canister and insert into adaptor.

5) Push canister firmly down for 10-15 seconds at a time, checking each time the weight of the canister until it matches the original weight written on the base.

Important Notes:-

1)If you exceed the original weight of the canister you can expel the excess gas by turning the canister upside down, facing towards the floor, and push the adaptor in by hand, then check weight.

2)This is very important as exceeding the original weight of the gas in the canister, reduces the amount of space within the canister for the gas to expand. Failure to do this will mean the stove will spit out liquid gas during use until the pressure in the canister is reduced sufficiently.

3)After you have refilled the canister it is always good safety practice to check the seal on the canister for no leaks.

Only refill your canisters in a well ventilated area, i.e. outdoors

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От 150 до 300р., в зависимости от района.
Красноярск, Пашенный
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